Monday, September 24, 2012

Toddler Story Time


Today was our first day at a toddler story time--just Des and me! Turns out that the couple teaching today was only substituting, but I remember seeing them before and adore them. The Mr. leads the music with his gentle guitar chords and the Mrs. leads the storytelling and group participation with her sunny personality. In fact, I think her first name was actually Sunny!!

In his own quiet way, Des really enjoyed the event. Since he's not really the spastic excitable type, I had to crane my neck around his head (he was facing the performers while sitting on my lap) to look at his face. He was grinning from ear to ear :)

Afterwards, they brought out the toys and puzzles...and Des was all about the puzzles! He noticed the train set a little too late (just as we were leaving), but not before he got to play with a few Melissa & Doug puzzles he had never tried before. 
I remember setting a puzzle in front of him thinking I'd have a few minutes to check my phone, but he was done in no time! I looked up to find him walking towards me with a completed puzzle on the floor behind him. 

I'm glad we had this time together and that Des got to explore new puzzles. The number of kids that were there today was a little overwhelming for me, but he handled the crowd and noise well. I guess next week we'll have to make a beeline for the train set first!  

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