Tuesday, September 11, 2012

A First

Aislin's first day of co-op preschool was yesterday! Sadly I had to miss her first drop-off, so Tim took her instead and snapped a few pictures for me.

According to her teacher today, she was "well-behaved;" and according to Aislin, she "didn't have any accidents!"
I know she had a great day just by how happy and well-adjusted she looked when I went to pick her up in the afternoon...and how she acted anything but "well-behaved" after walking out the door! I thought, maybe she's just cranky--it is the middle of the day, after all. Then my husband suggested that maybe she just had so much fun during preschool that she didn't want to leave. I think it was a little of both...mixed with the unease of such a quick pick-up. I didn't go inside the house, I just waited outside the door, and tried to rush her into putting her papers in her backpack and getting her backpack on. I was tired, had a busy morning, and was reminded by the car seat in her teacher's hands that I would have to carry it to my car.
I had arrived at that doorstep with very little patience and in need of a nap as much, if not more so, than my kids :(

I was disappointed with our first pick-up experience because (in spite of being tired) I was really excited to see her and hear about her first day. We talked about these things when we got home, and then munched on animal crackers until lunch was ready. I'm so glad for animal crackers...and for being able to practice this new routine every week!

After I had taken a short nap, she asked if we could play "school." Really?? She hardly ever asks to play school (unless we're doing a home preschool thing and she insists on being the teacher), but this time she wanted to be a student...in a class of stuffed animals :) All I did was write numbers on the white board and ask her to identify them and then cross them out, but she enjoyed it. I'd say she had a good first day of preschool :)

One more thing! Since Aislin just had a birthday, it was decided that she'd be the first "spotlight" student. So her teacher gave her a stuffed panda in a cute little wicker basket, along with a notebook for me to jot down the fun games she played with "Pandy." Then on Wednesday, she'll get to bring in a treat to share with her class, and say "goodbye" to Pandy so he (she?) can be passed on to the next spotlight student.

Aislin was delighted!

It was determined that Pandy had a cough, so she took him to the doctor for medicine...and a shot on the wrist. Then she fed him soup.

Where was Des in all this, you ask? Soaking up Mom's attention at home :) Oh, and learning about shapes and seasons! Basically we did a lot of talking, identifying objects and repeating words--all of which he's getting so much better at every day. 

And we managed to squeeze in some dramatic play:

(It's a steering wheel.)

It took about 10 seconds to draw that steering wheel and horn on a paper plate, but Des would've played with it for hours if I had given him the time that morning! He seriously LOVED "driving" with it and wouldn't share it with me. I guess I shouldn't have been too surprised that he wouldn't let me drive his car lol :P 

Today may have had its stressful moments, but the day gave my kids and I some great experiences. Having the kids do separate things in separate places, and for two hours, was definitely a first for us...but I know each of us appreciated the change!

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