Tuesday, April 10, 2012


...says the Universe, upon reading about my optimism for today. Of course today can be worse than yesterday!

Let me begin by admitting...that it was mostly my fault. I treated today like a day-off and treated my responsibility as a stay-at-home mom/teacher like an opportunity to nap at 10:30 a.m.
I honestly believed that, although I went to bed at 1:30 a.m. this morning, I'd still be able to wake up at 7 to jump on the treadmill and start the day out right (since my kids don't usually wake up until 7:30 at the earliest). HA! My son woke up screeching just before 7, and when I went into his room to take care of him, I realized I had left his window open and that he had been rudely awakened by the crisp morning air.
So I held him for a bit and laid him back in his crib, hoping he'd catch a few more minutes of sleep so that I could crawl back into bed. Didn't really happen that way--he screamed after me and then spent a few minutes talking to himself while I laid with my face buried in my pillow. 
I eventually rolled out of bed to feed my children breakfast but barely did anything for the next hour. Instead, I sat on the couch with the kids and watched a terrible cartoon called Bratz Babies. Finally we had Group Time and Story Time, but as I read I kept feeling my eyes shut and my speech slur. So I decided it was best if I took a short nap before I did anything else, like drive. Well, the nap was a lot shorter than I realized (even though I had slept through the entire second showing of Bratz) and I felt even crankier and short-tempered when I woke up. The lack of a decent breakfast probably didn't help.
Long story short, I have not been a good mom today. 
I will not be going to bed that late ever again, I will try harder to wake up early enough to work out in the mornings, and I will try to eat a better breakfast than just a waffle and a small cup of milk...even if it means having to pull a pan out of the cabinet to cook some eggs!

So, Universe, let's try this again... I'm optimistic that tomorrow will be a better day than today (and yesterday)!

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